Tuesday, August 7, 2012

“The Book Thief”, Markus Zusak

(written june 24 2011)

When I read a book, the first few pagest are the hardest.
“Am I there yet? Am I there yet? Geez I haven’t even reached chapter 3.”
Afterwards it’s less of reading and more of experiencing.
Hearts break and flutter. Laughter emerges, suspense beckons.
I glide through the pages, I can’t even remember turning them anymore.
And then it’s over. I’m thoughtful. And somewhat tired.
Like you lived another life without even leaving your room.
Now if only things unfolded as fast in real life.
Oh God that book made me cry so hard :)
When I was midway, I was almost comparing marcus zusak to palahniuk. The misery, the pain.
But the book was about strength of heart, strength of will, endurance.
Certainly not for the weak of heart like me. I was SOBBING for goodness sakes.
But now I realize a mistake. The Book Thief, deals with the strength of the human spirit.
Palahniuk magnifies the evil. While sprinkling it with underlying notions of strength and goodwill along the way and he’s twisted. Plain twisted. I’ll always dislike and like him. Dis/like. Lol.

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